De-Colonial Research projects starts with Villa Karo Cultural Institute

Heidi will coordinate and run an artistic research project for Villa Karo Cultural Institute. In this project, the challenges of post-colonial interaction, Euro-patriarchal ways of knowledge formation and subconscious power assumptions and habits of racialisation are dismantled through embodied practises, movement exploration and somatic methods. The concrete aim of the project is to provide an […]

New solo dance emerges from research symposium

My conference paper and solo dance performance “THE BODY, THE OBJECT AND EXPRESSION OF THE SELF. OR, WHEN DID I LOSE MYSELF?” received such a positive response at a research symposium in Lithuania that it began to grow into an independent solo performance. The first work-in-progress performance took place on 15.12.2023 at Pikku-Virgiinia’s Winter Festival […]

Dance Research NRW #50 Dancing towards ethical cross-cultural collaboration

“Heidi Seppälä from Helsinki (Finland) and Emmanuel Ndefo from Lagos (Nigeria) from the collective DANCO – School of Decolonising the Art of Dance, are invited for a Dance Research NRW residency in North Rhine-Westphalia to realise a project “Dancing towards ethical cross-cultural collaboration”.” Our research focuses on the preconditions of being together; producing ethically sustainable […]

Impressions from Experiencing Artistic Research Through the Senses Symposium in OSLO

Symposium Dates | 28 July- 4 August 2022 Place | Rønningen Folkehøgskole, Oslo, Norway. Theme | Experiencing Artistic Research Through the Senses Together with Dr. Marina Velez we ran our second artistic research symposium in Oslo under Nordic Summer University. This symposium concentrated on investigating phenomenology (empirical research, direct experience) micro-phenomenology (experiences that trigger specific […]

A new article by Heidi Seppälä and Jalmari Nummiluikki  is out in AKPÉ-magazine

AKPÉ, Finnish-African cultural center Villa Karo’s Magazine published an article of Heidi Seppälä and Jalmari Nummiluikki. An article titled Monomuotoisuudesta Monimuotoisuuteen (from monoculturalism to multiculturalism) explains DANCO’s agenda to create steps towards self-organising stage, shared and collaborative authorship and its ethics. The article is in Finnish and can be read here:

A conversation with dance artist Heidi Seppälä about decolonial dance teaching, Nordic-West African cooperation and studies in separate teacher’s pedagogical studies in the arts.

Kenneth Siren from UNIARTS Helsinki wrote a beautiful article about Heidi’s work in a blog of Helsinki Art University. The article is in Finnish, and deals with Heidi’s work at Villa Karo’s artist residency. In addition to teaching dance to children in an orphanage, she was organizing and running a workshop exploring hegemonic power relations […]

Panel Discussion with Kauzeni Lyamba and Kasheshi Makena at Theatre Academy’s GINTL event

Heidi Seppälä was invited as a panelist for Uniarts GINTL, a research seminar “Co-Creating De­col­o­nized Knowl­edges through Arts”, on Friday 6th May.   The seminar aimed at enhancing the importance and uniqueness of arts in decolonising knowledge. The idea of decolonising knowledge is a central feature of collaborative partners and co-creating knowledge between the University […]

DANCO presentations and dance video in  De-Colonising tertiary dance education – Act Now Conference  by Stockoholm University(Sweden), and Makerere University(Uganda)

Danco’s work has been selected for a conference De-Colonising tertiary dance education – Act Now, organised by Stockoholm University(Sweden), and Makerere University(Uganda) 7-9.4.22.   Heidi Seppälä(FI) and Shyrine Ziadeh(Palestine) will create a text & movement dialogue on dancing in the midst of occupation. Emmanuel Ndefo is organising a roundtable discusssion with movement, on the topic […]

DANCO in Groundwork dialogues conference

Heidi’s dance art & research ensemble DANCO will be presenting a paper in Groundwork dialogues conference. The paper will be sent to the conference in a form of a video, “a visual essay” dealing with a concept of self-organising stage,  shared and collaborative authorship and its ethics.    Would you like to dance with us? […]