Impressions from Experiencing Artistic Research Through the Senses Symposium in OSLO

Dates | 28 July- 4 August 2022
Place | Rønningen Folkehøgskole, Oslo, Norway.

Theme | Experiencing Artistic Research Through the Senses

Together with Dr. Marina Velez we ran our second artistic research symposium in Oslo under Nordic Summer University.
This symposium concentrated on investigating phenomenology (empirical research, direct experience) micro-phenomenology (experiences that trigger specific micro-gestures or micro-acts of attention) and reverse-phenomenology (how one experiences a landscape and how the landscape experiences one) as methods for reflecting on the experiential in artistic practice research.

The symposium took place in a spacious school with seminar and lecture rooms, studio space and plenty of green space outside the building. The Nordic Summer University symposium as a whole attracted just over 100 participants this year, 19 of whom were artist-researchers participating in Circle7.

Artistic Research Circle7 Participants of our Summer Symposium 2022:

Tom McGuirk: Practical phenomenology: drawing as a somatic method of artistic research
Eduardo Abrantes: Title: Bodyworking the soundworld – collective strategies for immersive sonic experience
Ami Skansberg Dahlstedt: The micro-movement in my grandmother’s chest – the tiny gestures of oppression
Sally Dean: The Somatic Costume Dressing Room – Mending & Attending Through Touch
Fernanda Branco: Environment embodiment – practices of experiencing and perceiving environments from a sensorial body
Lindsey Drury: It’s not a Tacit Decolonial.
DANCO (Heidi Seppälä, Jalmari Nummiluikki, Shyrine Ziadeh and Emmanuel Ndefo):Adanma
Anna Olkinoura: Body As a Performative Landscape – A Phenomenological Performance Workshop Investigating Our Built Environments
Marielle Hehir: Painting through the experiential
Lucy Lyons: The shared experiences of unknowing
Marina Velez Vago: The Politival Animal
Emma Hirsk: On Becoming an Island – Mnemonic Ecologies as Pathfinding Atopia
Elina Saloranta: Don’t be alarmed and start warning and fretting
Per Roar, Camilla Graff Junior, Luisa Greenfield and Myna Trustram
Helena Hildur: Pictorial Reasoning
Disa Kamula: Co-writing the future – experiential artistic research on collective writing and reading process and the emerging future(s)



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