Impressions from Habits of Othering @ Helsinki City Museum 27.9

On a rainy Friday in September, the colourful lobby of the Helsinki City Museum buzzed with curiosity as attendees gathered for an event organised by Heidi Seppälä and Julia Ojanen. The focus of the evening was whiteness and racialisation, featuring an interesting program that included a thought-provoking panel discussion, round table exercises to foster collective […]

About Whiteness – Solo Performance

Heidi’s latest solo performance, About Whiteness, was originally conceived as a performative speech for the Toiseuden Tottumukset (Habits of Othering) event at the Helsinki City Museum in September 2024. This thought-provoking piece blends personal storytelling with critical reflection, offering an intimate look at the pervasive influence of whiteness and privilege in everyday life. About Whiteness […]

TOISEUDEN TOTTUMUKSET (Habits of Othering) – Event in Helsinki City Museum 27-28.9

The Habits of Otherness: “Not me, but those others!” Fri 27.9-Sat 28.9. Helsinki City Museum, Aleksanterinkatu 16 In Finland, conversations about anti-racism often focus on extremist groups or systemic structures, but what about the rest of us? I consider myself well-educated, widely travelled, perhaps even having worked in an artist residency in Benin. I have […]

De-Colonial Research projects starts with Villa Karo Cultural Institute

Heidi will coordinate and run an artistic research project for Villa Karo Cultural Institute. In this project, the challenges of post-colonial interaction, Euro-patriarchal ways of knowledge formation and subconscious power assumptions and habits of racialisation are dismantled through embodied practises, movement exploration and somatic methods. The concrete aim of the project is to provide an […]

New solo dance emerges from research symposium

My conference paper and solo dance performance “THE BODY, THE OBJECT AND EXPRESSION OF THE SELF. OR, WHEN DID I LOSE MYSELF?” received such a positive response at a research symposium in Lithuania that it began to grow into an independent solo performance. The first work-in-progress performance took place on 15.12.2023 at Pikku-Virgiinia’s Winter Festival […]

Pikku-Virgiinia Winter Festival 15 and 18.12.2023!

Welcome to our Winter Festival! Workspace collective Pikku-Virgiinia’s festival returns with a second festival for this year! The festival will map and showcase the personal practices and projects of our creative co-working space members, who come from a wide range of artistic and scientific backgrounds. If you missed the Autumn Festival, here is your chance […]

Dance Research NRW #50 Dancing towards ethical cross-cultural collaboration

“Heidi Seppälä from Helsinki (Finland) and Emmanuel Ndefo from Lagos (Nigeria) from the collective DANCO – School of Decolonising the Art of Dance, are invited for a Dance Research NRW residency in North Rhine-Westphalia to realise a project “Dancing towards ethical cross-cultural collaboration”.” Our research focuses on the preconditions of being together; producing ethically sustainable […]

Impressions from Experiencing Artistic Research Through the Senses Symposium in OSLO

Symposium Dates | 28 July- 4 August 2022 Place | Rønningen Folkehøgskole, Oslo, Norway. Theme | Experiencing Artistic Research Through the Senses Together with Dr. Marina Velez we ran our second artistic research symposium in Oslo under Nordic Summer University. This symposium concentrated on investigating phenomenology (empirical research, direct experience) micro-phenomenology (experiences that trigger specific […]

A new article by Heidi Seppälä and Jalmari Nummiluikki  is out in AKPÉ-magazine

AKPÉ, Finnish-African cultural center Villa Karo’s Magazine published an article of Heidi Seppälä and Jalmari Nummiluikki. An article titled Monomuotoisuudesta Monimuotoisuuteen (from monoculturalism to multiculturalism) explains DANCO’s agenda to create steps towards self-organising stage, shared and collaborative authorship and its ethics. The article is in Finnish and can be read here: